Aug 12th 2024
the best value for money for certified, high quality, expertly cleaned, eco-friendly products like iPhone 12 that make you feel oh so good!
Feb 12th 2024
Hello! We’re Reebelo, your global, trusted, legit, and all-things-certified marketplace for refurbished electronics. We’re refreshing the way you consume tech. Making refurbished phones, laptops, and ...
Aug 24th 2023
Buying the latest and greatest refurbished PlayStation 5 was a breeze - you simply headed over to Unboxing it was ecstatic - you had been waiting patiently to get your hands on this bad boy. Now let’s make taking care of it your favorite me-time activity.
Aug 11th 2023
You’d recognize that shiny, unifold surface anywhere. That powerful presence of a quick, efficient processor. The smooth, rounded edges, engineered with so much craftsmanship. And a hefty price tag. Is there a way to own the laptop you’ve always wanted without breaking the bank? Is a used MacBook Pro a good investment?
Aug 10th 2023
Would used consoles be top of mind for you? Or are you still debating whether refurbished gaming consoles are even worth buying? For us, they’re the only choice because while we have fun, we get to save the planet one game at a time 🕹️
Jul 27th 2023
You’ve heard of sustainable energy. You’ve read about companies announcing net-zero targets. And you’ve committed yourself to better recycling and eliminating single-use plastics. But what in the name-of-everything-bright-and-shiny is a carbon-neutral laptop?
You think long and hard before buying an iPhone. But you probably think longer and harder before you buy a refurbished iPhone. We get it. You’re spending money, time, and energy into upgrading your device - you want it to be worth it. And the misconceptions around the word ‘refurbished' don't make this choice any easier.
We love refurbished AirPods. Our global, hybrid team uses them daily to drown out the loud lawn mower or to resist the temptation to join in on the laughter coming from our office kitchen. What can we say- they’re a lifesaver and an investment that doesn’t require you to spend a fortune.
If you’ve been following Reebelo on social media and keeping up with our global presence in the circular tech industry, you’d know by now how we feel about the best-refurbished laptops. Refreshing & C...
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